[Development] Proposal - QtSerialPort graduation from the Playground

Laszlo Papp lpapp at kde.org
Sat Jan 12 12:45:50 CET 2013

On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Uwe Rathmann <Uwe.Rathmann at tigertal.de>wrote:

> In general I see 2 reasons why a lib should be using Qt:
> 1) The implementation has a significant benefit from using Qt
> 2) The API needs to use Qt classes to be "usable in a comfortable way" in
> a Qt application

As far as I can briefly tell:

1) API

* It is based upon Qt by inheriting QIODevice (and hence following the Qt

* Relevant qint32/64 usage.

* We also use QString for setting all the serial port info around
throughout the SerialPortInfo class.

* We also use the Qt containers to return lists for instance.

* Signal/Slot usage

2) Implementation

forth for the serial port related enumerations like baudrate, databits,
parity, stop bits, flow control, and so forth.

* We use windows specific Qt classes which would be more difficult without,
like QWinEventNotifier.

* We use other Qt classes like QRingBuffer.

* QElapsedTimer all around.

* QIODevice for QIODevice::ReadWrite and so forth.

* QByteArray and QString internally to deal with raw data and strings.

* Signal/Slot mechanism with connect, emit and so forth.

* QThread for dealing with threads.

* QMutex for dealing with sync'ing.

* QHash for notifiers.

* QVector for container purpose

* QLatin1String for path prefix

* Q_ASSERT for assertion purposes.

* QSocketNotifier for socket management.

* QStringList for string containment.

* QVariant for the registry property.

* QFile for dealing with files.

By the way: what are the major differences between QtSerialPort and the
> qextserialport project ?

It is a bit more than you ask, so pardon me, but I think it is worth
reading if you care enough. :)


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