[Development] Some Questions about QTableWidget

Shuo Wang ecisp.wangshuo at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 03:55:45 CEST 2013


         I want to use QTableWidget to create an application such as the *WPS
Excel.*Now I have implemented some functions,but I have some questions:

1.How to set the *color/style/weight *of the selection cells'
 gridline(not all the cells)?
2.How to change the *text direction* of one cell?
3.How to set the *alignment *of the image adding to a cell?
4.How to *insert a image into a merged cell*?

         Also, I have known that the *wps office* using the Qt, and I am
 very interesting to know *which technique it uses*  and *how*?

Best Wishes

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