[Development] QtCS - QDateTime changes

John Layt jlayt at kde.org
Fri Jul 26 22:26:04 CEST 2013


As was unable to be discussed at QtCS due to running out of time, I've
gotten back on to my QTimeZone changes, but taking a slightly
different approach to getting them integrated for 5.2.  The QTimeZone
class itself works fine, the issue I hit before 5.1 was getting
QDateTime to properly deal with the daylight saving transitions, a
problem common with the existing Qt::LocalTime implementation.  Rather
than try deal with the two issues in parallel I've decided to fix
QDateTime first, then integrate QTimeZone.  I've also decided to start
pushing smaller commits to make it easier for people to review what
I'm doing :-)  The result should be that the QTimeZone integration
step requires fewer changes to QDateTime itself.

My plan looks something like:
* Push existing OffsetFromUTC and date formatter fixes
* Make the required changes to fix Qt::LocalTime at the daylight time
* Integrate the existing QTimeZone implementation

The big problems come from the required changes to fix Qt::LocalTime
at the transitions.  There are two issues here:
* Transition from standard to daylight leaves a 1 hour 'hole', i.e.
going forward from 2am to 3am means 2:30am doesn't exist
* Transition from daylight to standard repeats a 1 hour period, i.e.
going back from 3am to 2am means 2:30am occurs twice

Currently Qt::LocalTime ignores both problems and pretends they don't
exist.  The missing hour is treated as a valid time, and the second
occurrence can only be set or read using the actual MSecsSinceEpoch
value.  We need to change to the correct behaviour for both these

Current QDateTime behaviour:
* QDateTime uses a lazy initialization that accepts any date, time and
spec, validity is only checked when used
* When called QDateTime::isValid() does not take the time zone into
account, it only checks if QDate and QTime are individually valid,
i.e. it doesn't check if the time falls in the 'hole'
* Date-only math functions (add day/month/year) are passed straight to
QDate, i.e. validity check and maths applied is on date only and
doesn’t consider time and time zone, i.e. if the result falls into the
hole or is first or second occurrence.
* Time math functions work correctly by checking QDateTime::isValid()
first and then converting to UTC to calculate

To fix the 'hole' problem we have to ensure validity is checked
properly every time:
* QDateTime::isValid() must check if valid in tz, i.e. call mktime the
first time called then cache result in QDateTimePrivate::Spec
* All date-only maths needs to be converted to UTC first then
converted back, same as for time maths, but this will be a behaviour

To fix the occurrence problem will require new api to allow it to be
set and read, which was previously designed for QTimeZone.  Issues
with mktime having different behaviour on different platforms will
make the implementation rather tricky.  Linux assumes an ambiguous
time is the first occurrence, Windows assumes it is the second
occurrence, and Mac assumes first occurrence for about the first 40
minutes and second occurrence for the last 20 minutes (probably a

It has been discussed to re-write QDateTime to internally store as an
absolute msecs since epoch which would inherently fix these issues and
greatly simplify the maths and conversion code, but this would
radically change the behaviour of QDateTime which currently treats the
ymd/hms values as “fixed” and the time spec is used to interpret that
value. This would mostly affect the default Qt::LocalTime spec where
the system time zone can change underneath QDateTime causing the
absolute UTC value to change. There is also the behaviour that you can
store an invalid date but valid time in QDateTime, and later fix the
date to be valid.  Considerable special case code could be required to
keep consistent with the current behaviour.

Other likely effects would be:
* Creation would be slower as has to validate and convert first
* Accessing date() and time(), probably the most commonly used
functions e.g. to get day() or hour(), would be slower, but we want to
deprecate these anyway and use QCalendarSystem instead which would
probably work faster with it
* Maths and conversion functions would be faster and simpler and more accurate
* Would only need a qint64 instead of a qint64 and a qint32 so saving memory
* Would reduce the historic supported date range, but QDateTime is
only promised to be useful from 1970 onwards anyway

For now I will stick with cleaning up the current QDateTime code and
only consider the re-write scenario if that doesn't work.

With regards to the ICU situation, QTimeZone already has an ICU
backend, but also system backends for Mac, Win32, and the standard tz
file.  Currently it only uses ICU if QT_USE_ICU is set and it is not
on UNIX, but this can change as I'm considering a QT_USE_ICU_TZ
option.  In fact it provides the model for how the planned new locale
classes will work.



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