[Development] Situation with QMacCocoaViewContainer / QMacNactiveWidget in Qt 5

Jake Thomas Petroules jake.petroules at petroules.com
Mon Mar 11 05:12:42 CET 2013

Are QMacCocoaViewContainer and QMacNativeWidget going to be implemented in some Qt 5.x? I understand we currently have some implementation in QtMacExtras, however the header files are still there in Qt 5 Widgets, and documented (but you obviously can't link since they are not implemented) - https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qmaccocoaviewcontainer.html, https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtwidgets/qmacnativewidget.html.

I imagine we will be letting QtMacExtras provide these widgets. If that's the case why are the headers still in Qt 5 and why are they documented as being part of QtWidgets?

Jake Petroules
Petroules Corporation (www.petroules.com)
Email: jake.petroules at petroules.com

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