[Development] Qt for iOS - iOSStyle

Bache-Wiig Jens Jens.Bache-Wiig at digia.com
Wed Mar 13 18:43:17 CET 2013

On Mar 13, 2013, at 5:07 PM, joao morgado <joaodeusmorgado at yahoo.com<mailto:joaodeusmorgado at yahoo.com>>

To Richard:
What your saying makes perfect sense to me, and whatever solution your team comes up with, for iOS style, I'm sure it will be handsome, (it's Qt we're talking after all  :)  ).

Just some toughts from an humble indie developer:  regarding QML iOS style (and QML in general), I would like to see basic components (buttons, sliders, edit boxes, lists, .... ) working out of the box in QML Designer. I admit QML sintaxe looks easy compare to C++, but to me (and to many other developers) it's a pain to have to code QML basic stuff like buttons, etc..., by hand, something that is done nicely and beautifully in just a few minutes in Widget Designer, just by dragging and droping. Last time I checked QML Designer was terrible broken, I admit I havent checked latest Qt5.xx version to see if that changed.

Exactly. Being able to do pixel perfect layouts within the Qt Quick designer is one of the arguments against an IOS QStyle implementation. I would like to be able to see and run my apps _exactly_ as they would look on the device, without having to test and deploy on an IOS emulator through XCode.

Regarding QML in general, another think that puzzles me a lot is, I keep seeing coming different set of components: harmattan, symbian, the desktop components, Jolla Silica, ... That's ok, but here is "code once deploy every where" ? Technically would it be hard to ship standard QML components working for all plataforms (even if we would have to make small adaptations for each plataform) ? This lack of standard QML components, to me (and possible many other developers) is what stopping me from head jumpig into the QML wagon .

As you might already be aware of we have been working on a project formerly known as "desktop components". The project was recently renamed to "Qt Quick Controls" and as you might have guessed, the main reason was that we intend to make the same API and controls also work for touch and phone platforms. Yes, you can think of them as "widgets" for qt quick.

For 5.1 we still have the main focus on providing most of the missing gaps we have in order to enable full scale desktop development. This includes QML enablers for Menu, Layouts, Dialogs, Widgets/Controls, Splitters, Actions, Shortcuts etc. But in 5.2 we are planning to focus on providing support for touch-based platforms such as IOS and android. The main difference between the Qt Quick Controls and the other component sets is of course that they will be built into Qt itself and they will work across platforms.

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