[Development] GSoC - Idea

Dominik Holland dominik.holland at pelagicore.com
Mon Mar 25 08:35:08 CET 2013


On 03/25/2013 01:09 AM, Alexander Rössler wrote:
> On Sunday 24 March 2013 16:32:38 Thiago Macieira wrote:
> > But I'm not sure your idea belongs to Qt. You're describing a build 
> server.
> > Maybe you should contact one of the cloud organisations. You'll also 
> need to
> > explain why your idea is superior to the Open Build Service and similar
> > tools by Linux distributions.
> It is all around Qt. The basic idea is to simplify the deployment 
> steps on each platform. On Linux it actually includes the Open Build 
> Service. On Windows an installer creation tool called InnoSetup and on 
> OSX the macdeployqt tool. At least this is my current setup. In my 
> opinion the hardest part of cross-platform development is the 
> deployment of the binaries. Often developers use only one platform for 
> development and the applications end up only on these platforms. Also 
> releasing applications is consuming a lot of time, imagine you could 
> push only one button in your Qt Creator and your application is built 
> and released for all target platforms. Do do this you basically need a 
> few computers (or VMs) with some kind of server software and a Qt SDK 
> running on them and a client that sends the packages to build. My 
> intention is to make a small server applications and a Qt Creator 
> plugin for the main development platform.
> I'm not sure, but I think this actually belongs to the Qt Project.

That's like our current setup. 1 Jenkins Build Server + several VM's to 
build for every platform.

To create standalone Packages we are going to use the Qt Installer 
Framework (http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtifw-1.3/index.html)...

I think there is everything in place (beside the one Button you have to 
press in QtCreator ;-), but it will automatically build when you pushed 
your changes)

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