[Development] Need help in verifying OSX build/testing of a feature

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Wed Oct 30 09:21:22 CET 2013

Hi All,

I'm was working on small feature for specifying custom DNS server to
QDnsLookup (QTBUG-30166).

I wanted to test out the feature on OSX, but I don't have a machine handy.

Can someone with a working OSX setup test the following patches for
build failures?


It would be even more awesome if someone got the time to test out the
change with the modified "dnslookup" example in this patchset! :)

For testing with an IPv4 nameserver address, run:

$ ./examples/network/dnslookup/dnslookup -s www.google.com

For testing with an IPv6 nameserver address (if you have a working
IPv6 setup), run:

$ ./examples/network/dnslookup/dnslookup -s 2001:4860:4860::8888 www.google.com

In the output you should see a bunch of IPv4 address for the host name
passed (on Linux, to be doubly sure that the system configured
nameserver's are not being used, I used to comment out the entries in

In the meantime time I'm trying to get hold of a fairly recent version
of OSX for building and testing out this feature.

Thanks for your time.


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