October 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Oct 1 01:09:07 CEST 2013
Ending: Thu Oct 31 21:56:30 CET 2013
Messages: 531
- [Development] [PATCH] Duplicated multimedia flag in configure
Rodolfo García Peñas (kix)
- [Development] Vsd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: Some minor optimizations
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: V4: make Scope uncopyable.
Sergio Ahumada
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Zeno Albisser
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Zeno Albisser
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Zeno Albisser
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] Question on Gerrit workflow
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Blasche Alexander
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Kate Alhola
- [Development] Codifying the .qml License Header Exemption
Alan Alpert
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Alan Alpert
- [Development] QML, Widgets, and setParent
Alan Alpert
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Qt Telephony API and Qt 5.x
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Nicolás Alvarez
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Poenitz Andre
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
Dmitry Ashkadov
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
Dmitry Ashkadov
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Dmitry Ashkadov
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Philip Ashmore
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Philip Ashmore
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Olivier Austina
- [Development] Qt Telephony API and Qt 5.x
Guillaume Autran
- [Development] Qt Telephony API and Qt 5.x
Guillaume Autran
- [Development] Qt Telephony API and Qt 5.x
Guillaume Autran
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Yves Bailly
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Yves Bailly
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Yves Bailly
- [Development] Qt 5.2, Android and QWidget over OpenGL
Yves Bailly
- [Development] Qt 5.2, Android and QWidget over OpenGL
Yves Bailly
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Grégoire Barbier
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Grégoire Barbier
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Charley Bay
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Charley Bay
- [Development] Higher-Level Docs, possibly Qt-related (was: Re: Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans)
Charley Bay
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Andras Becsi
- [Development] Any plan to build Qt for iOS on linux/windows?
Wang Bin
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Julien Blanc
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Julien Blanc
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt
- [Development] Nokia/Digia copyright in PDF produced by QPrinter
David Boddie
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] Qt 5.2, Android and QWidget over OpenGL
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
- [Development] how to double buffer for qt3
Joerg Bornemann
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Mark Brand
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Björn Breitmeyer
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Matt Broadstone
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Matt Broadstone
- [Development] [IMPORTANT] Re: QtBase_stable in CI broken down
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] object_script files remain after make distclean
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Question on Gerrit workflow
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Bruno Cabral
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Bruno Cabral
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Donald Carr
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Stromme Christian
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Stromme Christian
- [Development] gerrit: relevant reviewers for signals bugfix in QTextCursor
Graham Coleman
- [Development] gerrit: relevant reviewers for signals bugfix in QTextCursor
Graham Coleman
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Rich Conlan
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Felipe Crochik
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Felipe Crochik
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Felipe Crochik
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Felipe Crochik
- [Development] Building Qt5.2 under Visual Studio 2013
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] [QML] Using a list as a default property
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] Codifying the .qml License Header Exemption
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Mitch Curtis
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] qt5.2 beta1 known issues
Yuchen Deng
- [Development] qt5.2 beta1 known issues
Yuchen Deng
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Yuchen Deng
- [Development] Changing keyboard layouts in Qt 5.1 apps with GNOME
Petko Ditchev
- [Development] StereoViewport for Qt3D
Svenn-Arne Dragly
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Carlos Duclos
- [Development] Split submission
Ziller Eike
- [Development] qt5.2 beta1 known issues
Ziller Eike
- [Development] Proposal for UseSheet in QFileDialog option
Ziller Eike
- [Development] Puzzled by desktop development priorities, Mac OS specifically [Warning: Rant]
Ziller Eike
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Ziller Eike
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Alejandro Exojo
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Alejandro Exojo
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Christoph Feck
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Christoph Feck
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Christoph Feck
- [Development] Building Qt5.2 under Visual Studio 2013
Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc
- [Development] IE11 + Gerrit = Friends
Nagy-Egri Máté Ferenc
- [Development] qtbase.git code coverage statistics
Sébastien Fricker
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Kevin Funk
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
deDietrich Gabriel
- [Development] Qt Telephony API and Qt 5.x
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Wireshark is switching to Qt.
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Qt Contributors Day
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Qt Contributors Day
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Split submission
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Split submission
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Split submission
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Keith Gardner
- [Development] Continous Integration (CI) meetings
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Continous Integration (CI) meetings
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] ABI of deprecated supportsThreadedFontRendering()
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Wrong resize event for QAbstractScrollArea derives
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Fusion Style problem under OpenSuse
Ing. Reynier Pupo Gómez
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Cornelius Hald
- [Development] Is this QML parser behaviour correct?
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: V4: make Scope uncopyable.
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: V4: make Scope uncopyable.
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] QtMultimedia and GStreamer 1.0
Jim Hodapp
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Tobias Hunger
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Tobias Hunger
- [Development] Clang (trunk) no longer builds Qt applications
Tobias Hunger
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Diego Iastrubni
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] qt5.2 beta1 known issues
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Fusion Style problem under OpenSuse
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] ODP: Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Nowacki Jedrzej
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Alpha possible issue with V4 and exposed Qml properties
Nils Jeisecke
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- [Development] Documentation todo for Qt 5.2
Pasion Jerome
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Pasion Jerome
- [Development] doc.qt.digia.com hosting new content
Pasion Jerome
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Recover from a bad rebase (incorrect squash)
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta - is it really much slower to parse qml/javascript on android?
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Koehne Kai
- [Development] QWebSockets: Advice wanted on API
Shane Kearns
- [Development] Nokia/Digia copyright in PDF produced by QPrinter
Jeff Kehres
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Namespaces (was: Qt Platform Extras)
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Qt Job criteria for windows embedded platforms
Ramakanthreddy Kesireddy
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
Ramakanthreddy Kesireddy
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
Ramakanthreddy Kesireddy
- [Development] Vsd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: Some minor optimizations
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Robert Knight
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Robert Knight
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Robert Knight
- [Development] Old platform-specific functions
Sze Howe Koh
- [Development] Unable to debug with Remote inspector
Amogh Kudari
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Peter Kümmel
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] ODP: Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Nokia/Digia copyright in PDF produced by QPrinter
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Nokia/Digia copyright in PDF produced by QPrinter
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Requesting a playground repo for QtCertificateAddon
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Agocs Laszlo
- [Development] Qt Contributors Day
John Layt
- [Development] Qt Contributors Day
John Layt
- [Development] Calendar Types
John Layt
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
John Layt
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
John Layt
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: V4: make Scope uncopyable.
John Layt
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
John Layt
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Alpha possible issue with V4 and exposed Qml properties
Paul Lemire
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Alpha possible issue with V4 and exposed Qml properties
Paul Lemire
- [Development] configure failure on Mac
Jørgen Lind
- [Development] Proposal for UseSheet in QFileDialog option
Yuë Liu
- [Development] Playground repository for Qt AccountsService
Pier Luigi
- [Development] configure failure on Mac
Glen Mabey
- [Development] configure failure on Mac
Glen Mabey
- [Development] Q_GADGET = relocation on staticMetaObject; Q_OBJECT = no relocation; known?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Q_GADGET = relocation on staticMetaObject; Q_OBJECT = no relocation; known?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Fwd: [graphics] Nov meeting and "2D Lite" scope
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Split submission
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Requesting a playground repo for QtCertificateAddon
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Conditional Deprecation Warnings
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [PATCH] Duplicated multimedia flag in configure
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QWebSockets: Advice wanted on API
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtWebSockets: API advice #2
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Fwd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: V4: make Scope uncopyable.
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] [Releasing] Qt5.2 plan needs to be updated
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QSharedPointer - Enable shared from this
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Development] Documentation todo for Qt 5.2
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
- [Development] Difficulties using Qt's new categorized logging. How to install filters?
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Sandy Martel
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Sandy Martel
- [Development] Is this QML parser behaviour correct?
Smith Martin
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Calogero Mauceri
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Calogero Mauceri
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Calogero Mauceri
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Calogero Mauceri
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Calogero Mauceri
- [Development] Port QT 5 to Haiku
Kalinowski Maurice
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Raul Metsma
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Raul Metsma
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Raul Metsma
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
Raul Metsma
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Raul Metsma
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Vladimir Minenko
- [Development] iOS /Qt 5.2 beta 1 issues QtQuick 1.1 and 2.0
Eduardo Montesinos
- [Development] Requesting a playground repo for QtCertificateAddon
Richard Moore
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Richard Moore
- [Development] #error for unreleased MSVC versions
Richard Moore
- [Development] configure failure on Mac
Sorvig Morten
- [Development] configure failure on Mac
Sorvig Morten
- [Development] QWebSockets: Advice wanted on API
Sorvig Morten
- [Development] Port QT 5 to Haiku
Giovanni Mugnai
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
- [Development] Q_GADGET = relocation on staticMetaObject; Q_OBJECT = no relocation; known?
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Marc Mutz
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] QApplication startup is again slower
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Is Qt allowed caching the home dir path?
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] It could be a little bug
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] It could be a little bug
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Cut 7+ms of Qt5 startup time on Linux
Jiergir Ogoerg
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Tomasz Olszak
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Tomasz Olszak
- [Development] QSharedPointer - Enable shared from this
Cristian Pallarés
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Laszlo Papp
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] Requesting a playground repo for QtCertificateAddon
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] QWebSockets: Advice wanted on API
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] QtWebSockets: API advice #2
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] Development Digest, Vol 25, Issue 76
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Jake Petroules
- [Development] [PATCH] Duplicated multimedia flag in configure
Rodolfo García Peñas
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Harri Porten
- [Development] ABI of deprecated supportsThreadedFontRendering()
Harri Porten
- [Development] ABI of deprecated supportsThreadedFontRendering()
Harri Porten
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
André Pönitz
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
André Pönitz
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
André Pönitz
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
André Pönitz
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
André Pönitz
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Liang Qi
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Liang Qi
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] FOSDEM 2014 Desktops DevRoom Call for Talks
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Motyka Rafal
- [Development] Qt 5.2.0 - Beta Release Testing
Motyka Rafal
- [Development] Does latest Qt (5.2) support/plan to support font sanitizer
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Add-ons: Removing obsolete API in the same major version
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Konrad Rosenbaum
- [Development] Higher-Level Docs, possibly Qt-related (was: Re: Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans)
Konrad Rosenbaum
- [Development] QML, Widgets, and setParent
Konrad Rosenbaum
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Pierre Rossi
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Pierre Rossi
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Shawn Rutledge
- [Development] Implementing of a DNS feature under Windows [QTBUG-30166]
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Implementing of a DNS feature under Windows [QTBUG-30166]
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] DNS resolver docs for Linux/OSX
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Recover from a bad rebase (incorrect squash)
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Recover from a bad rebase (incorrect squash)
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Question on Gerrit workflow
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Question on Gerrit workflow
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Need help in verifying OSX build/testing of a feature
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Development] Continous Integration (CI) meetings
- [Development] Pushing to Gerrit via HTTPS
Orgad Shaneh
- [Development] Port QT 5 to Haiku
Rutledge Shawn
- [Development] Nominating Gatis Paeglis as approver
Rutledge Shawn
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Denis Shienkov
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Denis Shienkov
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Aleksey Sidorov
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Tomasz Siekierda
- [Development] Running qtbase auto tests on reference device.
Fält Simo
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Vsd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: Some minor optimizations
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Vsd: Change in qt/qtdeclarative[stable]: Some minor optimizations
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Visual C++ 2013 binaries
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Is this QML parser behaviour correct?
Martin Smith
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Martin Smith
- [Development] Nominating Topi Reiniö (topi.reinio at digia.com) as approver
Martin Smith
- [Development] Wrong resize event for QAbstractScrollArea derives
raven-worx Software
- [Development] Wrong resize event for QAbstractScrollArea derives
raven-worx Software
- [Development] Any plan to build Qt for iOS on linux/windows?
Mediator Software
- [Development] Any plan to build Qt for iOS on linux/windows?
Mediator Software
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
André Somers
- [Development] [RFC] What to do about overloaded signals/slots?
André Somers
- [Development] QtTest for everybody
André Somers
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
André Somers
- [Development] Disabling exception support in QtCore?
Thomas Sondergaard
- [Development] Qt for Tizen Alpha 4 Released: Support for 3.0, New SDK, IVI & Wayland
Jaroslaw Staniek
- [Development] Qt for Tizen Alpha 4 Released: Support for 3.0, New SDK, IVI & Wayland
Jaroslaw Staniek
- [Development] Building Qt5.2 under Visual Studio 2013
Mojmír Svoboda
- [Development] QRawFont disabled on QWS/freetype (Qt 4.8)
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Development] Recover from a bad rebase (incorrect squash)
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Development] Compilation time very slow
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Development] QtBase_stable in CI broken down
Sarajärvi Tony
- [Development] QtBase_stable in CI broken down
Sarajärvi Tony
- [Development] CI has OpenSuSE 12.3 now!
Sarajärvi Tony
- [Development] CI has OpenSuSE 12.3 now!
Sarajärvi Tony
- [Development] Nokia/Digia copyright in PDF produced by QPrinter
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 Release Plans
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Where and how does Qt define which platforms are supported?
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
Paul Olav Tvete
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Luka Vilar
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Luka Vilar
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Beta, possible memory leak(s)
Luka Vilar
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Sune Vuorela
- [Development] Removing libudev dependency from binary packages?
Sune Vuorela
- [Development] Implementing of a DNS feature under Windows [QTBUG-30166]
Chris W
- [Development] [Win32 API] Windows 8.1 deprectaed GetVersion(Ex) -> QSysInfo should be fixed!
Chris W
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Milian Wolff
- [Development] Future of QWebChannel
Milian Wolff
- [Development] Future of QWebChannel
Milian Wolff
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing (System tray)
Weng Xuetian
- [Development] Names of classes in Android Extras
Lopes Yoann
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Michael Zanetti
- [Development] Bluetooth and NFC vs Reference Platforms
Michael Zanetti
- [Development] QtLocation offline Navigation support
Michael Zanetti
- [Development] ML for QtWebEngine
Albisser Zeno
- [Development] how to double buffer for qt3
Leslie Zhai
- [Development] Does Qt5 support multiple touch devices for X Window?
Leslie Zhai
- [Development] Does latest Qt (5.2) support/plan to support font sanitizer
GD dev
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
List for announcements regarding Qt releases and development
- [Development] object_script files remain after make distclean
cat fa
- [Development] Proposal: Disable ActiveQt from MinGW
cristian.adam at here.com
- [Development] Calendar Types
qtdev at madagon.com
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
- [Development] Qt 5.2 Testing
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 5.2 Beta released
- [Development] Puzzled by desktop development priorities, Mac OS specifically [Warning: Rant]
- [Development] Puzzled by desktop development priorities, Mac OS specifically [Warning: Rant]
Last message date:
Thu Oct 31 21:56:30 CET 2013
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:21:48 CEST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).