[Development] Minified javascript libraries in Qt source code

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 16:31:07 CEST 2013

As some of you may know, Debian (and maybe other distros too) requires that 
the source used to build the stuff it ships is in its preferred form of 
modification. In the case of javascript (js) libs, minified libs are not the 
place in which one would do bug triaging, nor it's easy to diff the sources, 
thus not the preferred way of modification.

One could also think that someone looking at the example's code (where most if 
not all of the js libs lie) would also like to look at the libs code itself 

This means that if Qt ships a minified javascript library, a Debian maintainer 
should either:

a) Repack the source tarball without the minified javascript libs and use the 
system provided ones prior to start the building process.

b) Repack the source tarball to include the unminified javascript libs and 
either minify them upon build time or use them unminified (after all, they are 
mostly used in examples).

c) Upon proper configuration (like ./configure --use-system-js), use the 
system lib to provide the (un)minified js.

Qt currently ships javascript libs in it's minified form, thus creating a 
policy violation for us. As a Debian maintainer of Qt I can, with some work, 
do (a), but it would be much better if we can work towards (b) and/or (c).

I would like to know if approaches (b) and/or (c) could be considered worth 
for applying directly in Qt as upstream. Of course, if you can think of 
another possible solution, I'm open to hear it.

Thanks a lot in advance, Lisandro.


Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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