[Development] Qt 4.x and Qt 5 frameworks should use @rpath (QTBUG-31814)

Adam Strzelecki ono at java.pl
Wed Aug 13 01:15:26 CEST 2014

> Err, what? Standard use case is @rpath + copy frameworks. So if that's done by default, and macdeployqt is deleted, no one is bothered.

But app won't start, because it needs to resolve Qt libs referenced via @rpath to @executable_path/../Frameworks, thus accompanying `QMAKE_RPATHDIR = @executable_path/../Frameworks` standard default (of course only if Qt libs are using at all).

And yes I do agree from very beginning for (overriding and) clearing defaults via: `QMAKE_RPATHDIR = ` (an empty list).

Seems we are getting closer to consensus.

Good night. It is past midnight here, time for getting some sleep.

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