[Development] QWebsocket remark

Martin Koller kollix at aon.at
Mon Feb 17 19:39:42 CET 2014


had a quick look into the implementation as I wanted to use it in my existing webserver.
However, the API does not provide a way to use it for an _existing_ tcp communication channel.

What would be great is if you modify QWebSocketDataProcessor in some way so that it just
get's data from anywhere and therefore also make it a public class.

I see it's currently reading from an QIODevice which should be ok, but what is unfortunate
is that QWebSocketFrame::readFrame(pIoDevice); blocks!

The problem is exactly what you already wrote as comment there:
        case PS_WAIT_FOR_MORE_DATA:
            //TODO: waitForReadyRead should really be changed
            //now, when a websocket is used in a GUI thread
            //the GUI will hang for at most 5 seconds
            //maybe, a QStateMachine should be used

Best regards/Schöne Grüße


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