[Development] Problem with QOpenGLContext?

Kurt Pattyn pattyn.kurt at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 12:12:48 CET 2014

Some more information.

I work on OSX.
When digging into the platform specific implementation, I detected that in the method qcgl_createNSOpenGLPixelFormat()
the color depth nor the alpha depth is not set. If it is not set, it defaults to the screen color depth, which is 8-bit in my case.
I will file a bug report for that.



On 11 Mar 2014, at 11:28, Kurt Pattyn <pattyn.kurt at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> as I understand correctly the ‘old’ QGLxxx classes will be replaced by new QOpenGLxxx classes.
> I tried the following code below, and found out that QGLContext is correctly setting the color depth,
> while QOpenGLContext always defaults to 8.
>     QSurfaceFormat ogfrmt;
>     ogfrmt.setRedBufferSize(6);
>     ogfrmt.setGreenBufferSize(6);
>     ogfrmt.setBlueBufferSize(6);
>     QOpenGLContext *oglc = new QOpenGLContext;
>     oglc->setFormat(ogfrmt);
>     oglc->create();
>     qDebug() << "QOpenGLContext red buffer size:" << oglc->format().redBufferSize();
>     QGLFormat gfrmt;
>     gfrmt.setRedBufferSize(6);
>     gfrmt.setBlueBufferSize(6);
>     gfrmt.setGreenBufferSize(6);
>     QGLContext *glc = new QGLContext(gfrmt);
>     glc->create();
>     qDebug() << "QGLContext red buffer size:" << glc->format().redBufferSize();
> Is this a known bug, or is the above code simply wrong?
> Cheers,
> Kurt

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