[Development] [QtContacts] Add a new contact Type

Chris Adams chris.adams at qinetic.com.au
Tue Mar 18 02:29:06 CET 2014

Hi Renato,

Is an address book a contactable entity?  It seems like it's just a
collection of contacts, rather than a contactable entity, in which case I
would prefer something like the QOrganizerItemCollection API to be added to
QtContacts instead, perhaps, or some other solution.

To be more precise: a contact group may be contactable (eg, a group may
have a mailinglist, an organization headquarters, and so on), which is why
I think it still makes sense to model a group as a type of contact (with
group membership denoted by QContactRelationship between the group and its
member contacts), but an addressbook is just a logical collection of

In the qtcontacts-sqlite engine, we simply use different filters on the
QContactSyncTarget detail to determine which logical collection the contact
came from.  So far, that has been adequate for our purposes, but admittedly
we have some rather complex code to deal with all of the edge-cases ;-)

Matt and I are still busy with other stuff for the next week, but hopefully
(I know I've been saying this for about a month now) after that, we'll turn
our attention to QtPIM API discussions and improvements.  I've added this
to QTBUG-31824.


On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Renato Araujo <renatox at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Today in QtContacts we can define a contact type using the enum
> QContactType::TypeValues  which have the values { TypeContact, TypeGroup },
> this allow us to create/edit/list groups using the same functions used by
> the contacts.
> But I am missing a way to retrieve the available contacts address books,
> because of that I would like to propose to create a new contact type which
> ca be "TypeSyncTarget" this could be used to retrieve/edit/update "address
> books"  and could be set as value for
> QContactSyncTarget.
> What do you think about that? Is that a valid solution?
> Thanks
> Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
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