[Development] Qt 5.3 beta release coming soon

Tim Blechmann tim at klingt.org
Tue Mar 18 10:07:31 CET 2014

>>>> but 5.3 hasn't compass (for ios and android) and not webkit for
>>> android?
>>>>             N.
>>> ... and no Qt3D!?
>> And still no skynet like AI that predict the future?
> These questions about the features may seem silly to some, but some of
> them are critical for any of us. If I'm Developing an app and I need the
> compass are forced to make native or use another framework, this Involves
> leaving qt (Perhaps forever), and for people like me who use Qt since 1997
> is not a painless choice.

well, what is more important? adding new features or fixing existing
bugs? for one of my use case, there were quite a number of showstopper
bugs in qt-5.2 so i'm glad that 5.3 focused more on stability than on
features ...


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