[Development] configure -developer-build --prefix=$PWD/qtbase

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at gmail.com
Wed Mar 26 19:05:31 CET 2014

So in summary, the missing thing in README should be
"if you are building docs, make sure qttools is one of the modules you are
either that or
"after make, you can go into "qttools" and build those and after *that* you
should be able to build documentation."

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Alan Ezust <alan.ezust at gmail.com> wrote:

> Simon Hausmann says:
> > Do you know where in the docs it suggests that both can be used
> > simultaneously?
> My mistake, it doesn't suggest that. I just tried combining the two
> options after
> trial and error. Perhaps because the straight -developer-build fails to
> build docs.
> I thought I saw it in the README too but it's not there. Also it seems
> configure itself is smart enough to tell me if a make install step is
> required or not based on -developer-build. Nice!
> Koehne Kai says:
> > I'm not aware of a qhelpcollection binary ...
> > both qhelpgenerator and qhelpconverter are put in bin for me in the 5.3
> Beta.
> Another mistake - I meant to say qhelpgenerator.
> However, after fresh ./configure -developer-build and make,
> there is no "./bin" directory, and under qtbase/bin, I do not see
> qmlviewer, qhelpgenerator, or qhelpconverter. Qtcreator complains about
> the lack of qmlviewer, but perhaps that's just a creator bug.
> but why are qhelpgenerator and qhelpconverter not built and installed in
> qtbase/bin?
> > Maybe you should share some more details how exactly you did configure
> Qt?
> for me, it was just this:
> ./configure -developer-build
> make -j 6
> make docs
> 'make docs' builds for a long time and then fails near the end because it
> can't find qhelpgenerator.
> Thanks again Simon and Koehne for your help.
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