[Development] The dark side of QtMultimedia

Gianluca gmaxera at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 23:29:48 CET 2014

Phonon ?!?!
Please can you give us some links to this Phonon for Qt5 ?
On which platform has been ported Phonon ? I really need a good multimedia module for android and iOS.


Il giorno 09/nov/2014, alle ore 23:09, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at chello.at> ha scritto:

> Massimo Callegari wrote:
>> I am well aware you guys do your best to provide a quality
>> cross-platform framework and so far you did an excellent job !
>> Unfortunately I cannot say such thing for the Qt Multimedia module. If
>> you stick to the provided examples (properly tailored to hide all the
>> bugs) they all almost work. If you try to use the multimedia
>> functionalities in a serious project and try to deploy it, then the pain
>> comes around.
>> I found Qt Multimedia buggy, unsupported and moreover not cross-platform.
>> I am the maintainer of an open source project and so far I provided
>> multimedia audio input/output on Qt4 using ALSA on Linux, WAVEIN/WAVEOUT
>> on Windows and PortAudio on OSX.
>> In the last 9 months I tried to switch to Qt5 Multimedia and opened a
>> number of issues on JIRA and none of them has been resolved or taken
>> into account.
> Have you considered using Phonon? Not the ancient version bundled with Qt 4, 
> but the real thing, directly from the KDE developers? It can also be built 
> against Qt 5 now.
>        Kevin Kofler
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