[Development] [CPackIFW] Documentation

Konstantin Podsvirov konstantin at podsvirov.pro
Mon Oct 20 08:14:54 CEST 2014

Hello dear developers!

Appeal to developers of two projects: CMake and Qt :-)

This discussion affects both communities.

CPack IFW generator generates installers with a graphical user interface using Qt Installer Framework.

The code generator already in the thread "release":


The generator is accompanied by a documentation module CPackIFW", which is included in the CMake documentation.

I want to know that this generator has followers and users.

I want documentation about this generator was in the right places.

I need feedback and suggestions for further development.

In the discussion participated Stephen Kelly. He gave some interesting links.

19.10.2014, 17:23, "Stephen Kelly" <steveire at gmail.com>:
> Documentation generated from the master branch is updated daily here:
> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/git-master/module/CPackIFW.html
>>> Also, what's the time frame for CMake version 3.1.0 ? I don't want to add
>>> links to a yet unreleased feature ...
> The roadmap says early November:
> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/roadmap_page.php
> but it's likely to slip some weeks if past experience is a good forecast.
> Whatever is true about additions to the Qt documentation, the CPackIFW
> generator looks like it should get a mention in
> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/manual/cmake-qt.7.html
> One option would be to add a primary prose there and link to that from
> http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-5.3/cmake-manual.html
> and
> http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment.html
> The CMake documentation can be loaded in creator
> http://www.kdab.com/context-sensitive-cmake-documentation-qtcreator/
> and CMake releases will include a qch file from now on. Eg
> http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.1/CMake.qch
> Thanks,

I can't do everything myself and hope for the community :-)

All good working week.

PS: where I live the snow :-)

Konstantin Podsvirov

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