[Development] QGView and deprecated indirect painting

Paul Olav Tvete paul.tvete at theqtcompany.com
Tue Apr 7 14:10:39 CEST 2015

On Wednesday 1. April 2015 13.28.50 Christian Gagneraud wrote:
> So, my question is: Do you guys plan to remove this feature, and if yes 
> (which seems likely to me), how could I then control colors, opacity and 
> drawing order on a per view basis?

There is very little new development for graphics view. Essentially, we focus 
on stability, and only serious bugs are fixed. I will be very surprised if 
anyone would think it is a good idea to do a large change to remove features 
at this point, even if they are deprecated.

However, there is a theoretical possibility that changes in other parts of Qt 
could break this feature, and in that case we might not prioritize fixing those 

TL;DR: No plans to remove it, but no guarantees that it will always continue 

- Paul

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