[Development] Rotating JPEG images by default

Allan Sandfeld Jensen kde at carewolf.com
Fri Apr 17 10:48:09 CEST 2015

On Friday 17 April 2015, Agocs Laszlo wrote:
> The difference to formats like TIFF is unfortunate. Ideally none of the
> image plugins should apply such smartness automatically (there can be
> other use cases where we want the pixels as in the file, not everything is
> a photo viewer application). Instead, there should have been a
> QImageReader level API to enable this.
If we go with the QImageReader level, it could be an QImageIOHandler::Option, 
and possibly be set different between JPEG and TIFF by default. The real 
problem is what we decide the default for JPEG should be now. 

Ideally the orientation could also be kept as metadata in QImage.


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