[Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.4.2 release coming

Heikkinen Jani jani.heikkinen at theqtcompany.com
Tue Apr 21 08:32:47 CEST 2015

If you aren't fixing critical bug you should use '5.5' branch for that. '5.4' is for possible 5.4.3 and not for any nice-to-have fixes, sorry. 


>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: René J.V. Bertin [mailto:rjvbertin at gmail.com]
>>Sent: 20. huhtikuuta 2015 14:06
>>To: development at qt-project.org
>>Cc: Heikkinen Jani
>>Subject: Re: [Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.4.2 release coming
>>On Monday April 20 2015 10:54:36 Heikkinen Jani wrote:
>>>Once again: Please remember that '5.4.2' is release branch and so on no
>>any nice-to-have fixes in anymore!
>>I'm trying to finish up a patch to the logic behind the support for font
>>weights and styles testing against 5.4.1 currently (and 5.4.2 once it's out).
>>Can I at least launch a code review request against the 5.4 branch when I'm

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