[Development] HEADS-UP: Qt 5.4.2 release coming

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 10:33:50 CEST 2015

On Tuesday April 21 2015 06:32:47 Heikkinen Jani wrote:
>If you aren't fixing critical bug you should use '5.5' branch for that. '5.4' is for possible 5.4.3 and not for any nice-to-have fixes, sorry. 

This is actually more than just a nice-to-have fix. It affects anyone doing any kind of serious work with fonts, and not just on OS X. So this is more than just a nice-to-have fix, unless of course you think it's fine for Qt to remain stuck in the 80s or so as far as font handling is concerned.
There are lots of typefaces (combinations of font family, weight, style) that cannot be reloaded for the standard ways to represent them in settings files, and I'm not even sure that the approach Qt follows allows for 100% reliable function.

I'll see how my patch set applies to 5.5 if I get it to a point where I'm satisfied. If it doesn't, and you really want it for 5.5 or later ... I'll be available for hire (for that crucial incentive to meddle with an unreleased major software version).


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