[Development] [QML][Multimedia] Multiple video outputs from one Camera

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 14:19:31 CEST 2015

Hi all.

Is it possible to show a video from the one Camera to multiple VideoOutputs?

E.g. this code:

import QtQuick 2.4

import QtMultimedia 5.4

Rectangle {

    id: root

    Camera { id: cam }

    Column {

        VideoOutput { source: cam; width: 50; height: 50 }

        VideoOutput { source: cam; width: 50; height: 50 }



shows only one video on the last output, and reports the error:

bool QDeclarativeVideoOutput::createBackend(QMediaService*) Media
service has neither renderer nor window control available.



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