[Development] Qt::WindowFullScreen on OS X

René J. V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 20 19:02:58 CET 2015

René J. V. Bertin wrote:

Apologies, this was intended for the interest ML.


> Hi
> OS X introduced a "Displays have separate Spaces" feature in I think 10.9,
> which controls whether virtual desktops span over all connected displays or
> are specific to each display. There is an interplay with fullscreen behaviour.
> Fullscreen still means occupying the window's screen (display), not the full
> desktop, which is probably good. It also means that setting a window to
> fullscreen mode blacks out the view on all other displays, which is much more
> debatable IMHO.
> There are still (Qt4-based) applications that manage to achieve the legacy
> fullscreen mode in which only the window's "own" display is affected and the
> view on other displays remains visible normally.
> Is there a way foreseen to achieve this in Qt5? I had hoped that
> QWindow::Fullscreen might have this effect because it is documented as
> "The window occupies one entire screen, is not resizable, and there is no
> titlebar."
> but no such luck.
> Regards,
> René

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