[Development] Deprecating modules with 5.5

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 19:55:52 CET 2015

I'll try to summarize my POV on this issue in this mail:

- I agree with Lars that HTML5 is a huge pig ;)

- Bundling so many stuff in that package is definitely a non go for Debian.

- I do also understand they require a competitive product. But on the same 
line I do also think the level of pragmatism needed for shipping QtWebEngine 
*as it currently is* is simply too much for Debian.

- Having yet another copy of chromium in the archive really doesn't sounds 
great, as far as I understand we don't even give security support in Debian 
stable :-/ [0]

- Unbundling all that stuff and making it work with system stuff **might** be 
doable, but I *personally* won't put my time on this. I have communicated this 
decision to my fellow comaintainers and so far no one has stood up for the 
challenge. So chances are that we aren't going to ship it (and this might mean 
the same for Ubuntu). Yes, things might break, but with no man power there is 
really nothing to do.

- I won't stop anybody trying to unbundle all the required stuff and trying to 
get it to work with system libs, I will simply not put my time on that.

- Using V8 means we need to drop support for arm64 (aka AArch64), powerpc, 
powerpc64 and s390x. I understand this *might* be a minor side effect for the 
Qt project, but still important for us.

[0] <https://www.debian.org/security/2015/dsa-3148>

Happy hacking! :)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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