[Development] Request to delete libibusplatforminputcontextplugin.so from qtbase
Takao Fujiwara
tfujiwar at redhat.com
Tue Jul 21 07:36:19 CEST 2015
On 07/18/15 04:54, Knoll Lars-san wrote:
> Can you explain what the advantage of moving it out would be?
> The ibus input context was originally developed by me when we ported from Qt 4 to Qt 5. I tried to implement it with a minimum set of dependencies. It's IMO still important to have in the qtbase tree for several reasons:
> * We need at least one input context to use and test against (on Linux) when developing Qt further. Not having the plugin in qtbase will lead to us not testing IMEs on Linux anymore, something I really want to avoid.
I think you don't have to require IBus but other IMFs likes qt4.
gtk also does not include the IBus modules in itself.
> * The license is more flexible (LGPL/commercial dual licensed) on qt-project.org, and thus more suitable for some of our commercial customers as well
If you use IBus, you need to accept LGPL.
And probably we can change the license for ibus-qt upon the request.
> * As Sune said, the platform plugin headers are not stable, so having it in tree will give you a better chance of keeping things in sync with Qt releases
Some changes are not already acceptable even though the headers are not stable.
I think we could track the changes with bug trackers.
> * The IMEs for pretty much all non Linux platforms reside in qtbase. Why should we handle Linux differently (except for the fact that there's still a multitude of IMEs on Linux :/ )
But the current IBus module is not useful for users.
If the patches would not be upstreamed, it could continue to break IBus in having the module in qt side.
> Ideally, I would prefer if things went the other way round and we would also get plugins for other popular IMEs on Linux moved into qtbase.
I wish to select one of them.
1. Move the IBus module to ibus-qt.
2. Upstream the patches immediately.
> Thanks,
> Lars
> On 17/07/15 18:26, "development-bounces+lars.knoll=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org on behalf of Sune Vuorela" <development-bounces+lars.knoll=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org on behalf of nospam at vuorela.dk> wrote:
>> On 2015-07-17, Takao Fujiwara <tfujiwar at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Right. ibus-qt already has the ibus module for qt4 so this request is for qt5.
>>> I'd think it's easy to move libibusplatforminputcontextplugin.so from qtbase to ibus-qt.
>> Part of me would like to have as many things that uses QPA headers to
>> stay inside Qt because unstable api's.
>> And then I'm not sure if there might be licensing issues for various
>> users with moving it from lgpl Qt to GPL ibus-qt, or if enough of ibus
>> is GPL that you can't take advantage of the l in lgpl anyways.
>> /Sune
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