[Development] Request to delete libibusplatforminputcontextplugin.so from qtbase

Takao Fujiwara tfujiwar at redhat.com
Wed Jul 22 05:41:11 CEST 2015

On 07/22/15 00:49, Thiago Macieira-san wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 July 2015 16:00:45 Takao Fujiwara wrote:
>>> We don't develop gtk. We do develop Qt4 and we know that supporting
>>> complex
>>> input methods with it was a pain and it often regressed due to lack of
>>> testing. I think limiting the testing is doing a disservice to our users.
>> However I guess you won't complete IBus testings since there are various
>> functionalities by languages.
> So you're saying that the Qt testing isn't enough, but IBus itself could test
> more? That is, if the Qt IBus plugin lives as part of IBus, it will get better
> development and better testing than it does today inside the Qt sources?

Yes, I think it's better to develop and test the IBus plugin together on ibus-qt.
qtbase is a big source tree to develop the plugin.

> (just asking, I'm not passing judgement)

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