[Development] wince and openssl
Andreas Holzammer
andreas.holzammer at kdab.com
Wed Jul 29 18:17:38 CEST 2015
Am 29.07.2015 um 18:04 schrieb Andrew Knight:
> Hi,
> On 07/29/2015 06:49 PM, Gunnar Roth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i am trying to make a wec2013 build with openssl support and got weird
>> errors.
> What kind of errors?
>> then i just found this in configureapp.cpp
>> } else if (dictionary.value("XQMAKESPEC").startsWith("wince")) {
>> dictionary[ "STYLE_WINDOWSXP" ] = "no";
>> dictionary[ "STYLE_WINDOWSVISTA" ] = "no";
>> dictionary[ "STYLE_FUSION" ] = "no";
>> dictionary[ "STYLE_WINDOWSCE" ] = "yes";
>> dictionary[ "STYLE_WINDOWSMOBILE" ] = "yes";
>> dictionary[ "OPENGL" ] = "no";
>> dictionary[ "SSL" ] = "no";
>> dictionary[ "OPENSSL" ] = "no";
>> Why is that? Why did configure not warn me?
>> Hmm ok now i found:
>> SSL support.................no
>> OpenSSL support.............yes
>> in my output... thats strange. ..
> I assume this this is with -openssl passed to configure? From my reading
> of the code, that's the only possibility. Is "openssl" in your
> config.summary or the contents of mkspecs/qconfig.pri?
>> but hmm then i saw:
>> if (dictionary["SSL"] == "auto") {
>> if (platform() == WINDOWS_RT) {
>> dictionary["SSL"] = "yes";
>> } else {
>> // On Desktop Windows openssl and ssl always have the same
>> value (for now). OpenSSL is
>> // the only backend and if it is available and should be
>> built, that also means that
>> // SSL support in general is enabled.
>> if (dictionary["OPENSSL"] == "auto")
>> dictionary["OPENSSL"] = checkAvailability("OPENSSL") ?
>> "yes" : "no";
>> dictionary["SSL"] = dictionary["OPENSSL"];
>> }
>> }
>> and i found that the default is:
>> dictionary[ "SSL" ] = "auto";
>> dictionary[ "OPENSSL" ] = "auto";
>> so fo any mkspec which start with wince ssl is set from auto to NO.
>> But why? And why is there no error when is goive openssl option to
>> configure?
>> Bug?
> Not necessarily, because FWICT it is just defaulting to "no" instead of
> "auto". Maybe that's just a bad default, or maybe OpenSSL is (or was)
> known to not work properly on WEC.
I can agree on that its just that the default is to off. You just need
to pass -openssl to configure and be good with it. Its default is to no
because a normal windows ce user does not use openssl, so its just
taking care of the normal usecase and not the cornercases. The default
would mean that every CE user will need to run the configure check if
its there, you will most likely need to pass additional include and lib
folders anyhow to configure in order to make openssl linking possible,
so its I think ok to require to pass -openssl to configure in order to
switch it on.
Thank you
Andreas Holzammer | andreas.holzammer at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH&Co KG, a KDAB Group company
Tel: +49-30-521325470
KDAB - The Qt Experts
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