[Development] QtCS: Discussion about deprecating things

Giuseppe D'Angelo dangelog at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 21:57:53 CEST 2015

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 9:50 PM, Robin Burchell <robin+qt at viroteck.net> wrote:
> * Deprecation is hard: lots of use of “old"RHEL 6 still going on. At the
> same time, why is there a desire to use the newest Qt on these “old”
> platforms?

Because these platforms constitute big "standards" for development of
a complex system, in which a Qt GUI is just a piece in the puzzle. At
the same time, people would like to get all the latest benefits and
features of a product which is still evolving at a rapid pace (2
releases per year).

> * Qt 5.6 will deprecate: QNX 6.5 (QNX 6.6 OK)
> * Qt 5.6 will deprecate WEC 7, 2013 only.

Deprecate or drop them? From the C++11 thread I understood they will
be completely dropped due to lack of compilers.

> * Android 2.3 support for 5.6 / “Qt LTS"

What's "LTS" here?

Giuseppe D'Angelo

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