[Development] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate available
Hausmann Simon
Simon.Hausmann at theqtcompany.com
Fri May 1 07:08:29 CEST 2015
Sure, with the removal I only meant the xsm implementation :)
Original Message
From: Samuel Gaist
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 23:36
To: Hausmann Simon
Cc: Matthew Woehlke; development at qt-project.org; releasing at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Development] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate available
It's back since 5.2 with an implementation for OS X waiting for Qt 5 (also for Qt 4 but since it's considered a new feature it won't get in)
On 30 avr. 2015, at 19:37, Hausmann Simon <Simon.Hausmann at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> IMO this isn't a Qt bug, I commented on Jira.
> I suspect another app isn't implementing the protocol directly, but if we really want to protect ourselves then we should probably ditch the entire session management code from Qt 4 (it's gone in Qt 5, too :)
> Simon
> Original Message
> From: Matthew Woehlke
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 16:49
> To: development at qt-project.org
> Cc: releasing at qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Development] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate available
> On 2015-04-30 09:17, Salovaara Akseli wrote:
>> If blocker issues for Qt 4.8.7 release (i.e. new regression) are found please report those to bugreports.qt.io and raise issue also (with bug id) on releasing mailing list.
> Is there no hope for getting https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-38599
> fixed? This is a really nasty bug that cripples all (newly launched) Qt
> applications when it happens. It's listed as P1 and has been reproduced,
> but I don't know enough about the bowels of QSessionManager to suggest a
> solution.
> KDE4 is likely to be around for a while yet (e.g. LTS distros) and it
> would be good if this can be fixed.
> --
> Matthew
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