May 2015 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 02:54:25 CEST 2015
Ending: Sun May 31 14:08:22 CEST 2015
Messages: 293
- [Development] Testability Driver
Cristian Adam
- [Development] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate 2 available
Salovaara Akseli
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Alan Alpert
- [Development] QtModeling - the last mile
Sandro Andrade
- [Development] Introducing Qt Gamepad, a new qt-labs project
Nichols Andy
- [Development] Introducing Qt Gamepad, a new qt-labs project
Nichols Andy
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] Question to fonts and styles
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
René J.V. Bertin
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Julien Blanc
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Julien Blanc
- [Development] iOS, libpcre16, QString::trimmed_helper()
Tim Blechmann
- [Development] iOS, libpcre16, QString::trimmed_helper()
Tim Blechmann
- [Development] Testability Driver
Gerry Boland
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Joerg Bornemann
- [Development] Qt 5.4.2 "RC" packages available for your testing
Florian Bruhin
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
Oswald Buddenhagen
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Robin Burchell
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Robin Burchell
- [Development] QML Settings
Federico Buti
- [Development] QML Settings
Federico Buti
- [Development] QML Settings
Federico Buti
- [Development] QML Settings
Federico Buti
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Albert Astals Cid
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago A. Corrêa
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Development] Breaking QtQuickControls tests
Van Looy Detlev
- [Development] Qt Multimedia and GStreamer 1.0 status
Rex Dieter
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
Ziller Eike
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ziller Eike
- [Development] QEvent problem
Berkay Elbir
- [Development] QEvent problem
Berkay Elbir
- [Development] [Interest] QEvent problem
Berkay Elbir
- [Development] RFC: QtQuick. Custom keys support proposal.
Alejandro Exojo
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Alejandro Exojo
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 win32-msvc2008 compilation. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__q_atomic_increment
Soraya Santana de la Fe
- [Development] Introducing Qt Gamepad, a new qt-labs project
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] Introducing Qt Gamepad, a new qt-labs project
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] QtModeling - the last mile
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Christian Gagneraud
- [Development] [Interest] Qt XML patterns
Samuel Gaist
- [Development] Qt XML patterns
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Frederik Gladhorn
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] QMetaTypeId<void>::Defined illegal in Qt 5.5 beta
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
Olivier Goffart
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andreas Aardal Hanssen
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Simon Hausmann
- [Development] Qt preference font
Eike Hein
- [Development] Qt XML patterns
Frank Hemer
- [Development] QML Settings
Dominik Holland
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Dominik Holland
- [Development] iOS: Fn-F1 - Fn-F12 Keys Ain't Functional
Robert Iakobashvili
- [Development] Qt 5.4 Accessibility with QLineEdit and QTextEdit: Windows Dictation (WSR) Commands Ain't Working
Robert Iakobashvili
- [Development] Qt Quick Controls 2.0
Nurmi J-P
- [Development] Qt Quick Controls 2.0
Nurmi J-P
- [Development] Qt 5.4.2 "RC" packages available for your testing
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt 5.5 Beta snapshot available
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] New Qt5.5 Beta snapshot available
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] HEADS UP - Qt5.5 schedule & coming milestones (string freeze etc)
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt 5.5.0 beta released
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] New Qt 5.5 snapshot available
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt 5.5 string freeze
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Branching '5.5.0' from '5.5' started
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] New Qt 5.5 snapshot available
Heikkinen Jani
- [Development] Qt Multimedia and GStreamer 1.0 status
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Allan Sandfeld Jensen
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Oikarinen Johannes
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Koehne Kai
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Koehne Kai
- [Development] Qt 5.4.2 "RC" packages available for your testing
Koehne Kai
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Viironen Kalle
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Viironen Kalle
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Viironen Kalle
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Christian Kandeler
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Stephen Kelly
- [Development] Testability Driver
Friedemann Kleint
- [Development] Modifying and accessing environment variables in Qt
Kevin Kofler
- [Development] Modifying and accessing environment variables in Qt
Kevin Kofler
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Kevin Kofler
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Kevin Kofler
- [Development] Question to fonts and styles
Martin Koller
- [Development] Support for custom Diffie-Hellman parameters in QSslSocket
Mikkel Krautz
- [Development] Support for custom Diffie-Hellman parameters in QSslSocket
Mikkel Krautz
- [Development] Support for custom Diffie-Hellman parameters in QSslSocket
Mikkel Krautz
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Peter Kuemmel
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Jan Kundrát
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Jeremy Lainé
- [Development] Binary compatibility for qtestlib
Knoll Lars
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Is QImage movable
Knoll Lars
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Knoll Lars
- [Development] [Interest] Qt XML patterns
Al-Khanji Louai
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Al-Khanji Louai
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Al-Khanji Louai
- [Development] iOS, libpcre16, QString::trimmed_helper()
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] git-gpush fails with "bad band #101
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] iOS, libpcre16, QString::trimmed_helper()
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Binary compatibility for qtestlib
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Is QImage movable
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QEvent problem
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QEvent problem
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Upgrading the sources to C++11 keywords (Q_NULLPTR, etc.)
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] Qt 4.8.6 win32-msvc2008 compilation. error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__q_atomic_increment
Thiago Macieira
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Smith Martin
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Smith Martin
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Smith Martin
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Smith Martin
- [Development] Fwd: QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Smith Martin
- [Development] Binary compatibility for qtestlib
Jason McDonald
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Thomas McGuire
- [Development] Qt XML patterns
Frank Meerkötter
- [Development] [Packaging] Backport fixes for QNAM corruption
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt Multimedia and GStreamer 1.0 status
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt, fPIE, fPIC and changes coming in Qt 5.4.2
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Qt and gcc5
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ariel Molina
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ariel Molina
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ariel Molina
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ariel Molina
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Ariel Molina
- [Development] [Packaging] Backport fixes for QNAM corruption
Daniel Molkentin
- [Development] Support for custom Diffie-Hellman parameters in QSslSocket
Richard Moore
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
Sorvig Morten
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
Sorvig Morten
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Marc Mutz
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Is QImage movable
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Upgrading the sources to C++11 keywords (Q_NULLPTR, etc.)
Marc Mutz
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Marc Mutz
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Marc Mutz
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Marc Mutz
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Marc Mutz
- [Development] Qt Installer Framework to allow only Updates
Juan Navarro
- [Development] Qt Installer Framework to allow only Updates
Juan Navarro
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Samuel Nevala
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Samuel Nevala
- [Development] iOS, libpcre16, QString::trimmed_helper()
Harri Pasanen
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Harri Pasanen
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Kurt Pattyn
- [Development] [CPackIFW] Adding QtIFW 2.0 Support (Technical Preview)
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [Development] [CPackIFW] Adding QtIFW 2.0 Support (Technical Preview)
Konstantin Podsvirov
- [Development] Testability Driver
Harri Porten
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
André Pönitz
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] QML Settings
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] [Interest] Imageformats v2
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
Konstantin Ritt
- [Development] Problem with embedded fonts
Gunnar Roth
- [Development] Problem with embedded fonts
Guido Seifert
- [Development] Problem with embedded fonts
Guido Seifert
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Rutledge Shawn
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Rutledge Shawn
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Rutledge Shawn
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Denis Shienkov
- [Development] Qt 4.8.7 release candidate available
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] RFC: QtQuick. Custom keys support proposal.
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Binary compatibility for qtestlib
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Binary compatibility for qtestlib
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] New Module for Serial Buses
Hausmann Simon
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Andre Somers
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
Andre Somers
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
André Somers
- [Development] Qt XML patterns
André Somers
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
André Somers
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
André Somers
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
André Somers
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
André Somers
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
André Somers
- [Development] QTextStream::readLine(0) is an ambiguous overload in 5.5
André Somers
- [Development] Imageformats v2
André Somers
- [Development] Fwd: Imageformats v2
André Somers
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Edward Sutton
- [Development] Compiling for iOS, qtdeclarative and others fail
Edward Sutton
- [Development] Call for Papers to Qt World Summit now open
Kojo Tero
- [Development] Call for Papers to Qt World Summit now open
Kojo Tero
- [Development] Qt World Summit call for papers extended
Kojo Tero
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Bo Thorsen
- [Development] [Interest] Call for Papers to Qt World Summit now open
Bo Thorsen
- [Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Testability Driver
Turunen Tuukka
- [Development] Qt preference font
Alex Vazquez
- [Development] RFC: QtQuick. Custom keys support proposal.
Dmitry Volosnykh
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Jeremy Whiting
- [Development] Qt Speech in Qt 5.6
Jeremy Whiting
- [Development] QMetaTypeId<void>::Defined illegal in Qt 5.5 beta
Roland Winklmeier
- [Development] QMetaTypeId<void>::Defined illegal in Qt 5.5 beta
Roland Winklmeier
- [Development] Qt 5.4.2 "RC" packages available for your testing
Roland Winklmeier
- [Development] Suggested addition to
Matthew Woehlke
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Matthew Woehlke
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Matthew Woehlke
- [Development] Proposal: Deprecating platforms in Qt 5.6 that don't support lambda
Matthew Woehlke
- [Development] Testability Driver
Michael Zanetti
- [Development] [Announce] Qt 4.8.7 released
List for announcements regarding Qt releases and development
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
mark diener
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
mark diener
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
mark diener
- [Development] qqmlengine/qqmlimport access
mark diener
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
md at
- [Development] 5.4.1 OSX macdeployqt FAIL
md at
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
md at
- [Development] Q_INVOKABLE QAbstractListModel
md at
- [Development] Qt Quick Controls 2.0
manish sharma
- [Development] Qt Quick Controls 2.0
manish sharma
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Fwd: Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Fwd: Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Fwd: [Interest] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] [Interest] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Is QImage movable
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Is QImage movable
Иван Комиссаров
- [Development] Imageformats v2
Иван Комиссаров
Last message date:
Sun May 31 14:08:22 CEST 2015
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:21:59 CEST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).