[Development] Future of Qt Quick 1 in Qt 5

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Tue May 19 00:20:43 CEST 2015

Kevin Kofler wrote:

> Koehne Kai wrote:
>> One thing to worry about though is Linux distributions: We certainly
>> don't want to let them stick to an old Qt version because there are
>> applications still depending on qtquick1. However, a quick search with
>> e.g. osc for openSUSE shows that this shouldn't be a big problem
>> (somebody please correct me if I did the search wrong):
> What we will likely do is ship QtQuick1 from the last Qt 5.x that shipped
> it, along with a current Qt 5.y where y>x. And we (or more likely our
> users) will blame you for any breakage caused by that mix.

Don't forget to patch the cmake files. 

Those require all Qt versions to be the same (unless you do a Pre-Order 
traversal of the dependency tree).



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