[Development] Status of the coverity builds

Holger Freyther holger at freyther.de
Thu Nov 19 12:59:53 CET 2015

> On 19 Nov 2015, at 11:40, Welbourne Edward <edward.welbourne at theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> I take it that's something I can do once the site is back up.
> If not, where do I need to go to do that ?


> Makes sense.  I've mostly been contributing fixes, on the release
> branch, and it'd be reassuring to have coverity check them, too - but
> new code surely is more in need.  A switch to testing release branch
> during the pre-release bug-fixing does sound like a smart idea.  Do we
> lack the resources to simply check both ?

The service is (at least was) sponsored by the Department of Homeland
Security and we can get one configuration scanned every couple of days.

If people look at the results fast enough we can have alternate builds (dev,
stable, release) every week but I think the noise of closed/opened issues
would just be annoying. :)


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