[Development] Status of the coverity builds

Welbourne Edward edward.welbourne at theqtcompany.com
Thu Nov 19 12:40:49 CET 2015

>>> The build is done every Saturday on a Ubuntu 14.04 system and
>>> the result is then uploaded to coverity
>> What's the specific URL ?
> You will need to join the "project" and then can see the results.

I take it that's something I can do once the site is back up.
If not, where do I need to go to do that ?

> The website
> appears to be down right now but my history contains the following:
> https://scan.coverity.com/projects/qt-project

OK, thanks for the link.  Still apparently down -
    scan.coverity.com took too long to respond.
- according to Vivaldi.

>> I'm surprised the release branch isn't the usual target of such
>> analysis.  If we have issues that can be found by static analysis,
>> surely we want to fix them sooner rather than later !
> Well in general new code lands in dev and one should get feedback
> about it as early as possible? It is just when dev is branched to stable
> we might want to change what is being tracked?

Makes sense.  I've mostly been contributing fixes, on the release
branch, and it'd be reassuring to have coverity check them, too - but
new code surely is more in need.  A switch to testing release branch
during the pre-release bug-fixing does sound like a smart idea.  Do we
lack the resources to simply check both ?


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