[Development] Expect delays in Continuous Integration today

Frederik Gladhorn frederik.gladhorn at theqtcompany.com
Fri Jan 8 17:55:35 CET 2016

And we should be back to normal :)
Staging in all branches is enabled and we are a big step closer to producing 
the final 5.6 packages.


On Friday, January 08, 2016 08:12:43 AM Gladhorn Frederik wrote:
> Hi all,
> in order to fix https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50065 and others
> linked to it, we need to clean up the way we use -prefix in continuous
> integration.
> Up to now we used the source dir as prefix in many configurations while
> expecting make install to work, which is more of a hack that worked by
> accident.
> We will change to the proper usage of prefix pointing to a different path,
> sadly this means slight changes to our collected artifacts which in turn
> means that modules depending on qtbase will not build until the first round
> of fresh builds.
> Due to this we'll disable and gradually re-enable building of all modules.
> Sorry for the inconvenience, we're working on a better solution for the next
> time (versioning our archives), but for now we do not want to stand in the
> way of the Qt 5.6.0 release any longer.
> During the day things should go back to normal step by step. In the mean
> time it might be OK to hold off staging patches today unless they are very
> urgent to keep the noise lower.
> Greetings,
> Frederik

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