[Development] Update QtWayland CI to Wayland 1.6+

Pier Luigi Fiorini pierluigi.fiorini at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 00:27:08 CET 2016


We are starting to have QtWayland patches that require at least Wayland 1.6
available, such as:

- https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/104222/
- https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/112141/
- https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/144891/

We need to update CI to at least Wayland 1.6 as soon as possible.

If I recall CI is running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS now, but LTS is released every
two years.

The next LTS should be 16.04 which means that until April we cannot merge
those patches making the first one more than 1 year old.

Would it be possible to switch to a distro that potentially has more
frequent updates to avoid repeating the same problem again in the future?

Out of the box experience
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