[Development] Building and debugging Qt5 from QtC

Denis Shienkov denis.shienkov at gmail.com
Fri May 20 08:13:15 CEST 2016

Hi developers,

I want to know, is it possible to build/debug the qtbase's parts from 
the QtC?

For example, when I try to build the Qt5 (with the configure/make 
sequence) for embedded board, I got some errors in EGLFS platform 
plugin. I want try to fix it, but it is very hard to do from the console :).

I planns at first stage, to build the Qt without of EGLFS support, and 
on second stage to open the EGLFS-plugin's project from the QtC and try 
to fix errors. But I don't know, what of projects to open (there are 
three project files), and don't know what this way is right.

So, my questions are: How you solves similar issues? I mean how is a 
working process? Do you use QtC or what? Where I can read about? :)


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