[Development] QtQuickControls for desktop: what's the plan?

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu Nov 10 19:41:42 CET 2016

10.11.2016, 17:08, "Marco Martin" <notmart at gmail.com>:
> On Thursday 10 November 2016 11:11:35 Olivier Goffart wrote:
>>  Writing and polishing styles to pixel perfection is indeed lot of work. And
>>  QStyle has the advantage hat it already exists. However one can copy-paste
>>  the code to turn existing styles into QCC2 style. (You will have two style
>>  to maintain since QtWidgets is still maintained)
>>  The proxy style to QStyle that Marco is developing is a good intermediate
>>  solution for people wanting to develop cross platform desktop applications,
>>  while waiting for proper native looking themes on each platform.
> yeah, I also see it more like as a temporary solution as well, if not else for
> the fact that it can work only on QApplication instances.
> For us it's important to get in a short enough time span a good compelling
> reasons for applications to start using qtquickcontrols2, but I agree on the
> long run something else not linking to qwidgets is needed (which also speaks
> against official inclusion in Qt, as would get deprecated soon-ish in that case)

Such deprecation would mean that users of 3rd-party QStyle themes will need to port
their themes away from QStyle to make QCC2 applications look native

> --
> Marco Martin
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