[Development] Qt 5.9

Maurice Kalinowski Maurice.Kalinowski at qt.io
Wed Nov 23 09:44:30 CET 2016

> On quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2016 08:10:36 PST Jake Petroules wrote:
> > > The currently sold CPU's are not really the measurement stick here.
> > > The measurement stick is actually installed Win 32 systems.
> > Yes, but what's the 32-bit Windows install base which is capable of
> > running Qt? We only support Windows 7 and above now, so I can't
> > imagine it's very many. Perhaps we should try to find some metrics to base
> our decision on.
> That's an important point: since Qt 5.7, we no longer support anything older
> than Windows 7. That was the first Windows with decent 64-bit support and
> computers with Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and now 10 tended to come with the 64-
> bit version pre-installed. So the chances of users running 64-bit Windows are
> much higher now.
[Kalinowski Maurice] 
This is only true for the desktop case. Especially those cheap tablets with Windows 10 in the ~100Euro area still have Windows 10 32bit included. That touches a pretty big consumer area.

Also note, that those is only for classic app development. For WinRT we still need x86 packages, because first x86 packages should be part of the bundle, and secondly the x86 build can be (and actually is) used for the Windows 10 (Mobile) emulators in addition .


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