[Development] Qt 5.9

Simon Everts simoneverts at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 22:14:52 CET 2016

Op wo 23 nov. 2016 om 11:45 schreef Helmut Mülner <helmut.muelner at gmail.com

> That is not relevant here. I am using Windows 10 (64-bit) but I am still
> forced (because of 3rt-party-libraries) to develop 32-bit-Qt-applications.
> Even if the operating system is 64-bit there can be a lot of 32-bit
> application, e.g. VS 2013 and VS 2015 are still 32-bit applications.


As a machine manufacturer we are still deploying 32bit windows systems
because of this reason. We'll be on 64bit windows soon, but need to support
the 32bit systems for at least 5 years. A lot of industrial computer
suppliers still install 32bit images on computers because there aren't any
64bit drivers available for the hardware.

We have no need to create 64bit apps, so its easier to just only create
32bit apps so it's compatible with all systems we need to maintain.

Best regards,
Simon Everts
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