[Development] Notes on QtCore session @ QCS2016

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Fri Sep 2 17:01:05 CEST 2016


* Deprecation of APIs
    * qrand/qsrand -> replacement is Standard Library or your own
* FIPS compliance
    * QCryptographicHash, random generator
    * requires external (optional) implementation, provided by OpenSSL
    * loading of OpenSSL libcrypto: either via QtNetwork or by compile-time 
switch (-openssl-linked)
    * Later: Use the SHA1 & SHA256 instructions
* QStringView & QByteArrayView
    * Deprecate QStringRef
    * Not QArrayView: discuss later
* allocator for QObject
    * custom operator new()
    * might conflict with combined moc space savings
        * which conflicts with includemoc for Clang warnings
* Metaobject improvements for QML
    * make separate session
* Animation framework, item models & statemachine
    * Move out of QtCore in Qt 6
    * MIME type too?
* C++11 Standard Library compatibility list
    * no volunteers yet
* C++ ABI
    * libstdc++ still breaking compatibility in std::function
    * not now, revisit in a year or two
* C++17 filesystem
    * go for it, inline only, QT_HAS_INCLUDE(<xxx>)
* C++11 API style compatibility (empty vs isEmpty)
    * no update

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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