[Development] Introductions?

Christian Kandeler christian.kandeler at qt.io
Fri Apr 28 16:19:22 CEST 2017

On 04/28/2017 04:05 PM, Edward Welbourne wrote:
> On 25 April 2017 at 10:09 I wrote (inter alia):
>> [...] the same is relevant for any approver or maintainer: perhaps we
>> should tweak our process for introducing candidates for those stations
>> within the community; ask that each introduce self in the course of it
>> - possibly *after* we've made our decision, so we won't be prejudiced
>> by their weird hobbies.  ISTR Lars, when proposing me, just linked to
>> my review history in gerrit; that probably should suffice for the
>> decision on whether to accept a candidate - but it might be worth,
>> once the decision is made, as a matter of course, having the new
>> approver or maintainer introduce self, or link to web pages that do
>> so.
> Just to clarify, as one off-list discussion raised concerns about
> pressuring folk to share more than might feel comfortable: I do, of
> course, intend no more than that we invite the newly-chosen to say as
> much about themselves as they feel comfortable saying.  If they wish to
> keep their public exposure to what's visible already on gerrit, they are
> of course free to do so.
> [...]
>> What do folk think ?
> We've heard one +1 and no other public response.

I see one +1 and one -2.


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