[Development] Erroneous Qt TouchBegin event to QGraphicsView ?
Patrick Stinson
patrickkidd at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 18:43:51 CEST 2017
OK, thanks. I have filed bug reports before but am not sure where the line between bug discovery and bug reporting is. For example in this case I am partly asking if widget focus is supposed to work this way to avoid a superfluous bug report. But it sounds like I should just report based on my judgement in the future?
> On Aug 3, 2017, at 8:40 AM, Andreas Aardal Hanssen <andreas.aardal.hanssen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 3. aug. 2017 kl. 04.54 skrev Patrick Stinson <patrickkidd at gmail.com>:
>> Hi there!
>> I am seeing a QEvent::TouchBegin being sent to the QGraphicsView viewport (on Mac) when moving the mouse into or out of the view with no buttons pressed. I noticed this because if a QLineEdit somewhere else on the window, and then I move the mouse over the view, the line edit loses focus within the last line in the following code block in Application::notify, where “widget” is the QGraphicsView viewport.
>> At other times this same block is called (indicating a TouchBegin event) when I simply move the mouse outside the view again.
>> What gives? The stack trace doesn’t include the generation of the touch event so I can’t infer the conceptual policy here. Seems like line edit should at least retain focus when not clicking or dragging anywhere.
> Hi Patrick, if you file a bug on bugreports.qt.io with the above info, we can track it and see if someone can find the cause of the error you are seeing. If can be anything from phantom touch events from your Mac to bugs in application or library or system software. Best we try to isolate the error. (qt-development is more for discussion on the development of Qt, than use of it). :-)
> Andreas
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