[Development] Timeframe for 5.6.3?

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Tue Jul 11 11:24:40 CEST 2017


Is there a timeframe for the Qt 5.6.3 LTS release? Or is everyone expected 
to move to 5.9 now? The last 5.6.x release was in October 2016, and 
especially QtWebEngine has accumulated a lot of security fixes since then. 
If it is still going to take a while, could we please at least have snapshot 
tarballs built with the release scripts (syncqt etc.)?

I am asking in particular because I would like to issue a QtWebEngine 
security update to Fedora 24 before it reaches its end of life a month from 
now. Just backporting patches to 5.6.2 is not going to be practical because 
Chromium was upgraded from 45 to 49 between 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.

Unfortunately, an LTS branch loses a lot of its value when security updates 
are not provided in a timely manner.

Kind regards,
        Kevin Kofler

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