[Development] Qt 5.9's new garbage collector documentation? + root_ptr

Phil Bouchard philippeb8 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 19:08:13 CEST 2017

Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira at intel.com> wrote:
> On sexta-feira, 14 de julho de 2017 05:06:14 PDT Phil Bouchard wrote:
>>> Except for the fact that no browser would ever download and execute
>>> untrusted binaries like that.
>>> The closest is Native Client (NaCl).
>> You force that Javascript executable (".jex" file) to run inside some
>> embedded virtual machine with restricted access to the system.
> Virtual Machines (protected by hardware) run operating system kernels, not 
> simple executables. And it has a non-negligible memory overhead, since it 
> needs to do its own virtual paging table management.
> Please read up a little on a subject before you make such an outlandish 
> suggestion.

Yes sorry that was just a quick guess but in Linux you can run Linux
containers which do the same but with minimal overhead.

>>>> Because let's face it: WebGL is not going anywhere.  It had the slowest
>>>> progress I have ever seen!
>>> What progress does it need? It needs to implement the OpenGL ES API. Once
>>> that is done, they don't need to do anything. All the work is in the GL
>>> drivers and GPUs.
>> Where are the WebGL games then?  We don't need OpenGL ES on x86.
> First, some exist. The difficult part in making games with JS is probably not 
> the GL part, but all the rest, including the code that manages the visible 
> screen area. 
> I never said that JS isn't slow -- it is.
> And second, standardising on one API (OpenGL ES) has benefits for game makers 
> and other application deveopers, since they can use the very same on both 
> desktop and mobile. It's probably of less value for gamek developers since the 
> interaction is going to be very different from a desktop and a mobile phone or 
> tablet, but other applications can benefit a lot from OpenGL ES.

I definitely agree OpenGL ES needs to be standardized.

Anyway I'm just trying to help here. But Microsoft probably already
embraced and is extending this strategy as we speak now ;)

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