[Development] swapEGLBuffers() : 135 : QQNX: failed to swap EGL buffers, err=12301 on QNX with Qt-5.3.2

Prashant Purohit prashantpurohit025 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 06:50:47 CEST 2017

Hi All,

I am using QNX with Qt-5.3.2 and found below issue and crash:

FAULT - qqnxeglwindow.cpp : void QQnxEglWindow::swapEGLBuffers() : 135
: QQNX: failed to swap EGL buffers, err=12301

When I checked on internet for this issue, it was referenced that when
Qnx window does not find EGL surface to paint this issue occurs but I
have an EGL display surface only and not sure why this error occurs.

This issue has occurred only twice on release build and I could not
get the back-trace.

This seems to be QNX issue as an application software with QT, we do
not directly deal with swapEGLBuffers.

Please let me know if anyone has faced similar issue or know how to
fix this issue.


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