[Development] Let's please drop MSVC 2013 for 5.10

Marc Mutz marc.mutz at kdab.com
Fri Jun 23 21:23:55 CEST 2017

[forgot to CC list]

On 2017-06-23 19:50, Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Friday, 23 June 2017 09:17:55 PDT Marc Mutz wrote:
>> The above argument makes no sense to me. What value does quoting
>> download numbers for 5.9, an LTS, have, to argue about dropping the
>> compiler from 5.10. Ever since we provide LTSs (yes, once), we drop
>> compilers in the version _after_ the LTS, which is kind of the natural
>> point to drop stuff.
> The point is that in June 2017, 30% of the Windows downloads were for 
> 2013. it doesn't matter that this is an LTS release or not: way too 
> many
> people are using that compiler. We need to "wean" them off 2013, so I'm
> starting a note in the 5.9.1 changelog that it will be gone in 5.11 
> (one year
> advance notice):

We didn't "wean people off" 2012, either. And how can we decide to drop 
2013 in 5.11 if we don't know what the download numbers will be, then, 
yet? Who's crystal ball makes such decisions possible?


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