[Development] Future of QBS

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Tue Oct 17 11:50:49 CEST 2017

17.10.2017, 04:01, "Kevin Kofler" <kevin.kofler at chello.at>:
> Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>>  This problem is solved by having access to full "project" model from the
>>  same language. E.g. this is how I implemented Premake plugin for Qt
>>  Creator a while ago: added Lua code to traverse Premake's project
>>  structure, and run it with all of Premake from inside Creator's plugin, by
>>  linking liblua.
> Of course. Invoking the actual build system to get data out of it is also
> how the CMake support in KDevelop 5 works.
> That, however, does not address the Turing-completeness issue, as it will
> crash (lock up) your IDE if the code in the build system does not terminate,
> which can happen if the language is Turing-complete.

I would claim that build system script that does not terminate is invalid.
And you can always use good old timeouts to prevent pathological cases.

>         Kevin Kofler
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