[Development] Resolving coding style contentions

Sérgio Martins iamsergio at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 19:47:26 CET 2018

On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 9:30 AM Frederik Gladhorn
<Frederik.Gladhorn at qt.io> wrote:
> (...)
> So please give either tool a chance and let's see if we can reach consensus.

I've tested uncrustify on clazy's code base and I was able to make a
configuration file that adapts 100% to my preferred style, instead of
me changing the style to satisfy the tool.
The default configuration file comes with 635 switches you can adjust.
It's also cool that most options accept an "ignore" value, which can
be used for stuff nobody cares about.

So at this point I think we just need an uncrustify.cfg file for Qt
(anyone has it ?) and compare against the current clang-format
IMHO the one with the smallest diff should win, or in other words, the
one where we make less concessions.

Sergio Martins

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