[Development] Qt branches & proposal how to continue with those

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Wed Jan 31 04:13:28 CET 2018

Jani Heikkinen wrote:
> I have to disagree there: We have already released 4 patch level releases
> for LTS 5.9 so it is actually moving quite fast.

That is not what I meant with fast-moving! Those LTS patch releases by 
design do not provide the new features that the releases from higher 
branches provide. When I write "fast-moving distribution", I mean a 
distribution that focuses on getting features to its users as quickly as 
possible, as opposed to the conservative "enterprise" distributions that are 
the ones actually interested in LTS branches of upstream software.

And even when it comes to bug (and security!) fixes, for how long are you 
going to keep up this pace of 5.9.x releases? In the previous LTS series, 
there was almost a whole year between 5.6.2 and 5.6.3. QtWebEngine CVEs kept 
piling up in that time.

        Kevin Kofler

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