[Development] Proposing David Faure as maintainer of Qt Models

BogDan Vatra bogdan at kdab.com
Tue Mar 13 06:24:59 CET 2018

+1 from me.


În ziua de luni, 12 martie 2018, la 19:10:35 EET, Sérgio Martins a scris:
> Hi,
> Although the wiki says Qt Models don't have a maintainer I'd say David
> Faure has been an unofficial maintainer.
> David is one of the top contributors to model related code and is
> someone you'll always want to add as reviewer.
> He's well known in the community and already maintains QtXmlPatterns, Qt
> mimetypes and Qt3Support.
> Disclaimer: David works with me at KDAB.
> (And if you're wondering if KDAB has any plans for this module, the
> answer is no. In fact I hope it remains low change volume).
> Finally, a big thanks to the previous maintainer, Stephen Kelly, who did
> a great job, both on Qt and KDE models!
> Regards,

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